Is it just me or did this year just fly by. Welcome October! I am ready (I think) for you and whatever it is that you have in store for me. I am looking forward to the fall weather and all the activities that are to come.
These last few months are going to be something. The holidays, family, food, gifts, and the possibility of a high stress level.
Let's get through it all together. Let's start with October!
I have broken my personal goals down into five categories separated from my blog goal.
- Start a Gratitude Journal
- Memorize four Bible verses
- Continue with my She Reads Truth Bible Study
- Have a date with my sister
- Have a play date with my nephew
- Complete the 31-Day Full Body Fitness Challenge
- Lose 5 pounds
- Create a budget (and stick to it)
- Find another source of income
- Put $200 in my savings account
- Complete the Refinery29 30 Day Good Personal Finance Plan
- Learn a new skill
- Read 2 Books
- Update my resume
- Clean up the sidebar, navigation bar and tags
- Write 5 post
- Improve my emailing list numbers
- Update my pages
What are your goals for October? Post them below.
It looks like you have some of the same goals as you did in April. Isn't that how life goes though... I have a few books I have been trying to get through and I am working on them slowly, but sometimes life gets busy. And I can not believe it is already October. Oh my goodness! I hope the rest of your year goes by amazingly... Peanutsmommy7 @swap-bot Follow my blog swap