#HelloMay - Monthly Goals

We made it to May! This year has been bit crazy to say the least and everyone has been going through it. Can we get a redo, asking ...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Miss the Least

So, as you may already know I graduated last week. My friends and professors have asked me how does it feel to be graduated and too be honest it has not set in yet. I do know that there are some things that I will not miss and glad that I don't have to do anymore.

I no longer will need number two pencils and scantrons and pop quizzes are a thing of the past. That one annoying student that always has something to say no matter what , yeah not  going to miss that either.

For sure I am not going to miss the long lines at the bookstore, financial aid office, and the food court. The tuition increases and high priced textbooks. Oh and the overcrowded classrooms and not being able to get added in the classes you need; definitely not going to miss that.

College was good just needed a few improvements.

5.) What about school do you miss the least?

Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. It's been 10 years since I was finished college and I also don't miss that one student (or sometimes 3 or 4) that always had something to say! Congratulations on graduating!

  2. I quit going to school after my daughter was born. I couldn't handle having a newborn and tests to deal with. Congratulations on graduation, I am extremely jealous!


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