As you may or may not know I gave up on new year's resolution a long time ago. I was never able to keep them or remember what they were and when I did remember about my resolutions it would already be time to make new ones.
A few years ago I was introduced to the concepts of picking just one word to focus on.
My word for 2016 is Intentional.
1. done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult.
2. of or relating to intention or purpose.
3. Metaphysics.
This is just not about having good intentions, but living intentionally and with a great purpose. I want to put meaning into everything I do and not waste one second of my life on things that are harmful to my well-being.
Join me in picking one word for 2016.
Tell me what your word is in the comments below.
- pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind; phenomenal; representational.
- pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object.
- pointing beyond itself, as consciousness or a sign.
This is just not about having good intentions, but living intentionally and with a great purpose. I want to put meaning into everything I do and not waste one second of my life on things that are harmful to my well-being.
Join me in picking one word for 2016.
Tell me what your word is in the comments below.
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