As a BzzAgent, I recently had the ooportunity to try some of the new UNREAL(TM) Candy. UNREAL candy has no artificials, no corn syrup, and no hydrogenated oils.
Right now, they have 5 different kinds of candy:
UN 5 - Chocolate caramel nougat bar
UN 8 - Chocolate caramel peanuts nougat bar
UN 41 - Chocolate candy shell
UN 54 - Chocolate candy shell peanuts
UN 77 - Chocolate peanut butter cups
I was able to try UN 5, UN 8, and UN 77. I personally thought that UN 77 tasted better than the reese's. The chocolate caramel nougat and chocolate caramel peanuts nougat bars were really good as well. The taste is similar to the real thing.
The only problem was finding them at the store.
Disclaimer: I am a BzzAgent and received a free product for my review! These views are my own and were not at all influenced by the party who gave me this opportunity.
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