Simply Natural Living is your dedicated space for embracing natural beauty and personal growth. We provide holistic wellness tips, mindful living practices, and nurturing skincare routines that inspire your journey towards inner and outer radiance.
This month we’re rallying behind Melanie, a wonderful mother of four who recently got hit by a car while walking near her home outside of Boston. We are all so thankful she pulled through, but now the long road to recovery begins – and with that comes many unforeseen expenses.
Our mission is to help customize her home to her new physical limitations. The three things she could really use right now are a front-loading washer and dryer, as well as a new stove with front controls so she can continue providing for her family. She still remains extremely positive, but it’s going to be a tough time for a while. Let’s surprise her with an AWESOME Love Drop this month!
Where Your Money Goes
Melanie is wheelchair-bound right now, and unfortunately can’t stand or even put any weight on her legs. This, along with her broken pelvis, makes it very difficult to not only get around her house, but also do some of the things she enjoys the most (like cooking – she’s a big foodie). Surprising her with these new appliances would be HUGE! She can get back to living as close to her “normal” life as possible, without having to rely on others helping her out as much.
If you can’t give a few bucks, perhaps you have a contact or two that could help get these appliances donated? Any money saved will go right to other improvements needed around the house :) Together we can make a bigger impact!
Why We’re Helping This Family
As a coupon blogger, Melanie is no stranger to giving back, often using her money-saving abilities to help out others in the community. This month we’re happy to be bringing together people who care to help get her house ready for the upcoming stretch of rehab and recovery.
It looks like it might be ten months to a year until she’s fully back to normal, so any investment we can make in getting her house usable during that time will be much appreciated.
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